Observe the left ankle and the right. This is despite icing the left for 2++ hours. Darn the swollen-ness.
update: This is the 4th time i sprained my ankle.
First time before I went to Adelaide in the early morning like 6 +, 7am and I tripped over the kerb on the way to the train station..
2nd time was in July Camp. I stepped on someone's foot but due to my weakened joint, I ended up twisting and spraining my ankle again =( while she got away without pain.
3rd time was just on Thursday. Rushing to class at 9am. Tripped and fell along Gratten Street. (For those who do not know, there are trees planted along the streets and thus the ground is not fully cemented but has like square patches of soil cut for the trees to grow) I think I stepped between the soil and cement, twisting my ankle once again.
Just as I hoped that I won't sprain my ankle for the 4th time again, here comes the magic moment that allows you guys a glimpse of what you see in the above picture.
4th time - Sunday .. while I was playing basketball with the church guys. (and girls of course). I didnt expect it at all.. It came in a series of accidents.
a) got stepped on my right foot..
b) the ball got thrown in my face at my left side
c) the final moment - My left ankle twisted and I felt utmost pain!