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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Work and afterwards..

Been working for the past few days as a market research interviewer.

In a way, it gives me a closer look at the different culture that I've been surround by yet not immersed in.

Of course, given the verbatim nature of this work, it's hard to relate and understand each interviewee we get. It's more of the interviewee giving me the chance to relate =D

So far, Victorians have been more rude and often slamming the phone down before I completed my sentence (which is super long). I so much prefer the others from the other states. Today i was given this statement which stunned me for a while "Go get a horse and ride away on it" or something to this extent. Er. Er? Ok. "thank you for your time.."

Somehow i got tongue tied tonight. I find myself stumbling on words that i usually just run through smoothly. =x

I wonder if what I did last night on my way home was right :

A man came up to me saying he came from some other state and he left his wallet and he was starting his first job in Victoria the next day. So he needs to go home somewhere far with the price of the train ticket is $60+? He kept trying to convince me but I was just munching non-sympathetically on my biscuits which was my dinner then. I refused to answer his questions and all for fear of exploitation. In the end, i think i gave a very bored look (not that you really could see my face under my cap in the night) and told him I didn't have small change.. He gave me a "I can't believe this" look and walked away without a word..

@ that time, i was as usual, trying to discern between him being a fake or genuine. Even if he was genuine, I couldn't afford that much to help him .. I am after all still a student.. who started working part time not long ago..

Starting to wonder if as a Christian it's the right thing to do.. There's a difference between doing good because of the compassion that Jesus had for his people as well as just being stupid and not being able to distinguish between fakes and those who truly deserve and need help.

I think I've been hardened by the environment here where fakes are everywhere. Perhaps it might be suggested that we give to everyone we see or approach us.. but in that case, I would be 'wasting' my parents money? What a dilemma.. i guess I'm always choosing the 'easy' way out.. to NOT use my common sense/ability to distinguish .. but just to ignore all.. x=

SPOONY - Foolish; silly; excessively sentimental.

ET is spoony when it comes to relating to others instead of sharing in current affairs which sparks no interest in her..

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