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Thursday, December 4, 2008


Ok, maybe not the clearest. but yes, it hailed on the saturday right before my 3 papers week. Had 2 papers on that following Monday, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon, plus another on that Wednesday! That almost killed my motivation to focus and study but I'm glad that it gave me a moment to bond with my housemate for a while (who saw hail for the first time)

School's out!

Right up to monday, I had just imagined going home, taking my time to look for a job.. Everything would work out fine .. right?

But come Tuesday morning (actually more like afternoon, given that I woke at 2.30pm), I received an email from my mum regarding her thoughts that I might want to study further first as a result of the recent market crash.

This meant.. I have to look for more information regarding honours/masters.

What i found so far, honours/diploma for Actuarial studies is somewhere out of my grasp as a result of my slackiness + inability.

Masters for finance might be feasible due to a stroke of luck (took a subject that was one of the 'basic' finance subjects that i had to do in order to qualify)

Other options include:
Post grad in teaching (pri or sec education i'm not so sure)
Physiotheraphy? kinesiotherapy? Massage?

Quite interesting to take up the massage/physio option but Don't think parents would be too happy with it.. It'll be tough as well, given that I gave up on sci since trinity times. Never felt that I was good at it anyway.. and never was given the chance to take biology.

Finance might be the ultimate winner.. THOUGH.. that is the field most affected by the market crash.

=x more thinking and cleaning up to do..
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