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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

20th birthday!

Firstly, i'll like to thank those people who wished me happy birthday on this special day =D

unfortunately, half of this special day was occupied by the activity of flying and clearing customs.
The mad rush for trolleys was "as though we're in some 3rd world country" (quoted from some unknown guy in the airport) and unfortunately i would have to agree. The entire arrival hall was crowded and messy. After painstakenly removing my luggage, the idea of "following the crowd" proved valuable in this chaotic environment. Attempts to check if the crowd was right only allowed others who used that valuable idea to lengthen the line that we were supposed to join.

Customs threw away my bak kut teh herbs coz the ingredients weren't stated as well as my home made (i was the one who made them somemore!) love letters. I knew egg products not allowed but sometimes cny goodies allowed =x maybe i really should have told her that i made them myself but i doubted that she would have cared. Saw her checking another girl's bag earlier (could be a different person checking actually) crazy. take out EVERYTHING in the luggage.. even her underwear as well! so degrading okie.. Somehow she seemed to be 'dusting' all the plastics found.. eg, maggie noodles packets, new clothes inside those transparent plastics etc.. Obviously this was a student by the number of instant noodles =p

almost missed the orientation stuff but noticed stuff at south lawn and wandered around, getting freebies. Got mainly lollies, choc, jelly beans, SALTY popcorn (which became my lunch) and met Rena. Later also met up with Mei Ling and we did some crazy stuff with this 'bee man' (aka taking pix to be placed on facebook) and got free donuts.

Went back to rest for a while first then was abit late for dinner. Dressed up abit, wore the black blouse with a white tube in it plus my handbag plus shoes (with cute ribbons) as quoted by ahi. Although i didn't read the letters given to me by my friends at dinner in advance (which apparently all seemed to 'advice' me to be more mature and responsible), i wonder if this dress sense can last long enough to reflect.

anyway, more thanks to those at dinner, for the gifts as well =D but most importantly was the company i got for dinner =) it's really been great

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