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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

"i thought you were one of my kids"

That's what i get for being as "tall/short"(whichever you deem more suitable) as a high school kid in Australia.

After finally deciding to go for bodycombat (and subsequently, even bodyattack), headed home after getting some HH stuff (for those non economic students, HH = Households).

While walking along Elizabeth, a whole group of young ones were marching (well, not literally) the same way as i was. As a result of the intensive (well, i tried to do intensively) 2 hours, was walking slower than the group. That's when that statement popped up (refer to title)

I assumed that it'll stop there, but somehow i managed to catch up with them, because of the traffic lights (wanted to jay walk actually, but decided against it, what if i influenced some of the kids there?!) I'm guessing that the teachers were waiting for the whole group to cluster together before crossing the roads so i ended up going ahead of them.

What surprised me the most was somehow, even though i walked ALL THE WAY to Peel street already, they were (in my opinion) FOLLOWING me! So scary okie! i half was thinking why on earth are the local teachers stalking a chinese girl! Lol. So silly.

Apparently, at peel, the teacher and quite a number of students were SO CLOSE behind me. I thought for a moment they might jump on me or sth *whew* thankfully, they did not and remained civilised. (sorta =p) After i walked further to the ulu road (Courtney =p) the rest of them continued to walk up queensberry.

At that point of time, i thought that perhaps i should have plucked up my courage and attempted to speak to the teacher (an old man) where they were going.. But i'll never know now would I..

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