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Saturday, October 13, 2007

ah, so cute!

Right. The first reaction somehow seems to be that. -refer to title- Haha, my story on monday was unfinished. My housemate essentially helped me complete the rest of my hairstyle which might shock my mum when i return =p

Assignments are piling up. Just finished Stats assignment 3 and stats assignment 4 came out today! Lecture materials are getting more boring. Voting procedures and strategic planning. There is a reason why i don't get into politics. Then again, as the classroom's empirical example showed, people are not necessarily rational (or they don't know how the 'game' works). So why bother? =p but still, game theory is interesting. IF everyone was rational. I once got an assignment question where it works with confessing the true value of a lost luggage handled by Quantas and the different incentives to cheat. Was reprimanded by one of my friends at OCF (Overseas Christian Fellowship), dorothy, when i explained the theory behind it all.. "what is commerce teaching you? you should take some religious studies to compensate!"

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