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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Encounters need speech as company

3rd time in a row since i manage to get a lift from Eleanor and her parents to church. Each time i would have thought that i'll be late for church because it takes about 15-20 mins to walk. Interestingly how the timing seems to coincide these 3 weeks and thus be early and at least be able to talk abit more with people before service starts. Today was talking to Devin. He's actually quite funny, born a brazilian and some other exotic background. I should learn to keep these facts in mind, i tend to be forgetful. Sometimes even though i forget, i refuse to admit and would rather let it slip thus making conversation quite meaningless. Indeed sincere conversations involves making the effort to store facts accumulated through previous understandings, of which i'm still a noob at.

One thing that struck me most at church today, was James 1:22 "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says."

"I wish i had orientation, because it binds you to a group at least. I missed out on that in JC and Uni. Sadly, I don't have that many people as a result." - a random statement made by me and within 5 mins, i was proven wrong. Saw Petrie and Yenching pass us, met Sam with her churchmates after their lunch and encountered my old Cell Group @ SSCOC during lunch.

"Blackcat" - a Japanese manga that consumed my hours over this weekend. Guess i shall treat that as my rest. As the week ahead comes, i better start balancing studies and exercise once again. =)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey i had no idea you changed blog. doh. why didn't you tell me? *pokes* lemme know when you finish exams and when you're heading back ok? we'll catch up. soon soon. =P take care you.