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Friday, December 19, 2008

Graduation Day

wushu peeps


$ paid out.
a gown is collected.
pins are inserted.

the gown is worn.
the cameras are whipped out.
the flashes go off!

*snap snap snap!*
Memories are formed.
Feet start hurting.

*hurry hurry*
into Wilson Hall (not prom ok, jean..)
listen to speeches, half awake.
-pinches self awake!-

*conferment of certificates!*
- wakes up -
practises walking with heels touching ground FIRST before the front.
stop. smile. nod @ chancellor. walk. receive cert. pause. nod @ announcer.

*moving on..*
on my way back to Singapore tomorrow! I'll miss everyone in melbourne! I'm thankful that I'll at least have my friend's wedding in Klang where I'll see most people again. But then, that'll really be the end then.. =( Have not really caught up with most people yet.. felt like i was psycho-ing most of them to come to singapore and we'll catch up then. Haha! =-p

Currently busying myself with things like dots wedding and slight job hunting.. the feeling of leaving melbourne "forever" has yet to sink in..

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