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Thursday, July 3, 2008

"be good"

The most common phrase spoken to me.

Does that mean something? I'm never good? I'm good only when reminded? Do I always get into trouble? Do I always screw up?

I guess it's more of the 'I still act childish no matter what age I hit' mentality that I reflect onto others that gives me such remarks to work upon.

I'm actually tired of it all. This selfishness. This 'having to think for others'. Everything that contradicts.

My problem? Extremeness. It's hard to do one thing as well as the other. Yet at the same time, if I'm not multitasking (eg when watching shows I NEED to be playing free cell simultaneously) I feel kind of bored and weird. Confused? So am I.

Is it that time already? Time to grow up? I've always been meaning to get down to that, but laziness has always prompted me not to.

How to tell people treat u like a kid?

1) When what you say slides off and doesn't re-surface even though you are proven right
2) When people treat you as annoying and pass you on to someone else only to be passed back to the same person again
3) When people just ignore you

It's not as if I really have an opinion to share, because I don't think my opinion really matters. As Annie from Nanny diaries acts, I too, enjoy observing the cultures and somehow sink too deep into them. Not that I adopt all their ways but I do pick up such that whatever I say, were once part of others words, never my own original piece of work.

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