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Monday, June 16, 2008

1 down

At first, I thought I was going to be 'on time' with studies. Then I fell sick during week 12.

My first attempts at revising started in week 12, since i managed to squeeze all my tutes to the front of the week, ending my semester unofficially on Wednesday 3.15pm.

Week 12 flew by. Swot Vac began. It was the time when you see everyone crammed into a common study area in the library, when you get the opportunity to stay up till 3am in ballieu library, where I got the chance to 'study' with my friends from Wushu. This is the result of using the computer area and having access to this website called facebook. It was fun interacting with Mary, helping her to learn chinese though half the time she got the pinyin wrong =p Haha!

Eventually, another week flies by. The start of exams meant my laziness to come to uni, or rather, the lack of companions in using the computers and thus, the more urgent need to study on tables. My previous excuse of using computer area's tables [which were way larger] as well as my flu acting up in the presence of sharing tables with others had to be scrapped off for the benefit of this thing called a "Bachelor's Degree".

Unfortunately, this "Bachelor's Degree" thought did not stay in my head for long as i reverted once again to the ultimate strategy for procrastinating -

1) Phoenix Wright - Ace attorney
2) Phoenix Wright - Justice for All
3) Phoenix Wright - Trials and Temptations

of which i have finished 2 since the start of swot vac. Mind you, each game has at least 4 cases, each case lasting from 2 hours to 8 hours.

Eek. News flash:

Maggots have invaded the house! My housemate realised when she saw quite a number a day. Both wondered where they came from. One day, i decided to LOOK UP the ceiling. Ha.. I didn't find the source but i sure found more than a handful of them!

Ok. Back to studying AMII (actuarial modeling II).

Just a note: AMI combined with AMII with an average of 73% is what most actuarial students are working towards to get an exemption on our papers. Below are some comments to show WHY i'm studying AMII (which is on Monday) instead of Entrepreneurial Finance (which i'm uncertain of and on this Friday)

"AMI was a killer paper" (Ajohan: 2008)
"must must must study hard for AMII" (Sukanto: 2008)
"Putting ALL my hopes on AMII" (Phoon:2008)
"one last chance - AMII" (Tan: 2008)

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