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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

dream dream dream

ok, i think i took my own comment too seriously..

remember that i dreamt about C&S earlier? well, i thought perhaps it'll be a good way to revise, to dream more often. Unfortunately it just ended up increasing my ability to procrastinate! haha. a few more naps were taken before the start of exam, to no avail! oh well, that was worth a shot wasn't it..

anyway, there goes my dream of getting my first H1 as well! there were quite abit of tricky questions, and i failed to spot them. Furthermore, there was one question which i read wrongly! find the PRICE not the quantity! Perhaps my mind was rejecting that idea because

a) it was worth 15 marks
b) finding the price was just P = MC (unless i extended my working and showed why, which i didn't!)
c) the earlier question asked to find the equilibrium quantity!

haha, amazing how my mind can come up with so many excuses but not so many answers during exam conditions.

My ability to spot questions have been proven, yet my willingness to study that spotted question has been the same, zero. Haha, guessed that monopoly and the coase conjecture would appear, but i didn't really know what to study on it because

a) there was no textbook reading on it
b) he mentioned slightly on durable goods monopoly in lectures only

oh, i'm getting lesser excuses aren't I?

haha, i guess it's a good thing i went for consultation because this other student pointed it out. Otherwise i probably won't have guessed it at all! There was just this small portion in his exam review lecture where he touched on durable good monopoly. =D

anyway, what's done is done. On to Macro! (though i probably can say i'm quite dead for FM as i'm seriously taking these one subject at a time)

Here's the 'fun' bit about macro, you make assumptions and write your essay based on that. Assuming i'm a H1 student, ...

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