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Monday, October 8, 2007

fed up

Which is better? To have hair block your view or to have sharp pain in your eye?

I voted for sharp pain initially then after an hour of lecture, decided against it.

Attempts at studying have been softened by the excuse of 'my hair is so irritating and keeps preventing me from concentrating as i focus more on sweeping it away from my sight'. These excuses have kindly been thrown aside these days as i managed to obtain a hairclip.. which at the time of 1030am, seemed to have vanished in my full-of-clutter room.

Frustration filled me as i picked up the closest sharpest object.

Contemplation left me as my head grew lighter.

*snip snip snip*

one strand, two strands..

worked on my fringe for about 15-20 mins.

*stares at the mirror*

Bravo. I had just randomly removed that obstacle from this pathway. No more excuses. Time to focus.

1 comment:

BTP said...

I told you about how I cut off my own fringe ya? I didn't even think, just took scissors and snipped away!!