1/ Last min helping out with 'household chores'
Initially, the outside of mine is as seen in the foreground. So it was deemed as a "tastes nicer than it looks" product. Eventually as we cut deeper, it became nicely layered as seen on the left background ;) The front half is mine and the rest, my mum's. Mine was more moist and my mum gave the credit to my patience (wow, didn't know I had that) in separating the yolk from the white :)
2/ My uncle tried to pitch us (the older cousins) into joining his company. Makes me think abit more about why and what am I doing at work now. More on my job reflection later. In the meantime, he is pretty keen on looping us in to form a family business though only 2 of us are out working now with the rest just going into uni/poly now. Probably have to wait a couple of years before the rest considers. Energy and resources were his main ideas :) Sounds good but not really sure how I can contribute so, maybe until we get that clear one day :D
3/ For YEARS, the older cousins have only been playing daidee. I'm glad I got my bro to get me a card game :) Kept us totally hooked/entertained as we learnt and explored this new game, bang! together.
whee! Too bad we don't seem to get credited with another half day public hol/annual leave (actually quite unsure for al) to compensate the supposedly halfday for cny eve! Otherwise it'll be a much longer time of break!
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