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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Melbourne trip =)

The trip back was lazy and slacky as a result of the bad weather towards the end of the week. But it was good to just chill and catch up/ be in each other's company.

Still can't believe how blur I was when booking the flights though. Since the beginning, I had booked saturday, but did not notice until i was refused entry on the flight back! (i.e. Sunday)

There went my plans to buy midori/krispy kremes for my colleagues.. Almost had no $ to get the seats .. Must listen to dad next time, bring a credit card! =x

Attached some pictures.

This guy (SL) was from the first church I've been to in Melbourne. Unfortunately, the church had closed down during my 2nd year there. Since then, hardly contacted the other members (i.e. 6 other ppl =x) During the week in melbourne, had emailed the missionary who set up the church. Was super surprised to see her reply and even more shocking to see SL attend my (current) church on the day I was meant to fly off! What a pleasant surprise!

Does this look good?! Haha.. The brekky I whipped up on my last day to thank my hosts for housing me even though I was treating it mostly like a hotel. =p The 'perfect' meal you see before you consists of stir fried small spinach leaves, peppered and salted (meant to be eaten raw but I didn't like the 'grassy' taste), mushrooms (yummy!), scrambled eggs (shall do poached one day when I get loads of eggs to spare), sausages, bacon (can't really be seen here) and potato salad (to replace carbo bread)..

One of the best shots I got! Pelican! Ok. Sounds so jakun. Haha, but this poor fellow was actually asleep before I woke it up! Wanted to take a video but it fell asleep again! Decided not to be too mean and left it alone.

This is the conservatory at Fitzroy Garden. Unbelievable to some, it was my first time visiting it during this trip! Haha, I've been to Fitzroy Garden once that I remember, but only for a BBQ after an 'amazing race'. Didn't explore much, had to go for cell after that. Haha.

Just wanted to 'show off' abit of what's new in the University of Melbourne since I left. Welcome to the 'spot'! Personally, they reminded me of cow spots as they built it up as I was leaving..

This is the long awaited pasta that SG doesn't seem to have! So far the few pasta places I tried had very disappointing pasta.. =) craving was so filled as the 3 plates of pasta (one was actually crepe) was happily and painfully consumed by JW and me =p

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