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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

More bendy stuff

Took this picture sometime ago. a challenge shout out to everyone out there!! =p Maybe I should do a step by step video and post it up. One day after the exams, i hope to find someone 'on' enough to do such silly things with me..

* i realise the source of stressness comes from coursemates who know their stuff and i don't. I bet even the first years know more than me =x darn. I hope none of my potential employers read this post.

* Gave up wushu today to attempt to study but halfway stomach felt uncomfortable and that ruined the whole day =x darn. only completed like AS unit 7 - part of it and part of unit 2? HAI. Tomorrow shall aim to at least finish a few more tutorials than that! PLUS complete EVERY non-excel tutorial question~! GLM here I come~!! =x

* revision:

P2X3 = E(X) + a1(X2-E(X)) + a2(X1-E(X))


E((X3-P2X3)^2) = gamma(0) - a`(gamma(h)vector)

Pardon the ugly notations. I actually wasted at least 10 mins of my sleeping time to type it out on microsoft word but i'm not sure if it can be seen here..

* was reading slightly on some investor guide earlier and have to agree with the author who wrote on how unreasonable investors are forcing the governments to take up the bad risk for them and getting them to guarantee their market linked investments~ In the good times the Investors are reaping their own rewards yet wanting government to take up the bad risk when the only reason why they get good returns is because of their agreement to take up this bad risk! (for those who don't understand, think or wiki Risk return theory)

* it's times like these that make me see how everything is linked. I'm actually happy despite the exam time knitness that I took up corporate finance. At least I have more connectivity with the real business world as opposed to just mugging and staring at numbers all day long. MIF (Models for insurance and finance) would help me in my Actuarial Statistics subject though.. Hmm.
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